Thursday, October 13, 2011

Keputihan? Don't be Panic...

No need to panic if you got Keputihan (Flour Albus).
What should be done to prevent the discharge is:

* Always keep personal hygiene, especially hygiene genitals with a cleanser that does not disturb the stability of pH in the vagina. Ordinary antiseptic soap is generally hard and may kill the normal flora in the vagina. This is not beneficial for long-term health of the vagina
* Get used to wash the vagina in the right way, ie by movement from front to back. Wash with clean water every urination and bathing.
* At the time of menstruation often to change the bandage. Use a panty liner when necessary. Do not be too long, if over time so that bacteria do not clump together.
* If white light is still in its early stages, try using a special antiseptic soap or solution rinse the vagina, but do not use too much because it will just turn off the normal vaginal flora.
* Avoid the too frequent use talcum powder around the vagina, fragrant towels, or toilet paper. This will make the vagina is often irritated.
* Avoid the vagina moist atmosphere.
* Always dry the vagina before dressing
* Use a dry underwear and absorb perspiration like cotton material
* Outer clothing is also noteworthy. Jeans are not recommended because of the pores is very tight. Choose a skirt or trousers like the non-jeans material for air circulation around the sex organs to move freely.
* Note the cleanliness of the environment.
* Stay away from the pressure (stress) is excessive
* Do not like the exchange-exchange underwear and towels with other female friends
* Take extra - careful in using public toilet facilities
* Live a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, regular exercise, eating foods with balanced nutrition
* Avoid mutually exchange sexual partners (casual sex)
* For women who have had sexual intercourse, every year have to do pap smear to detect cervical and oral cancer.

If you've got Keputihan (Flour Albus), do the following:

1. Consult a doctor
2. If vaginal discharge still occurs, perform laboratory tests.
3. For those who are married, do check with your partner.
4. If you have not healed well, do cross-check with the drug. Who knew you were resistant to the drugs given.
5. For those who already had sex, do pap smears.
6. If tested positive for the virus, can proceed with the examination of the cervix using a magnifying instrument that is placed on the outer vaginal lips. As a supporter, also do urine tests and blood tests.

Complications of vaginal discharge-Keputihan (Flour Albus):
* Infertility
* Feelings not convenient time sexual intercourse

Betel Leaf Myth:
* betel leaves do contain antiseptic. And makes the vagina becomes very dry and sore, when drunk and continuously washed away due to its attractive fluid and will only make the vaginal lining is irritated.
* Research last mentioned, betel leaves contain bacteria that can not be die only with so many degrees of warming.

author : dr.SISWANI, M. Kes
edited by me

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